Many times entrepreneurs get overwhelmed as to who they need to convert in order to prove to themselves and potential investors of their business viability. The plan looks good on paper, the product or service is sound and fully ready for market, but the target customers are not clear.
My approach is simple, create urgency by going after the believers or in other words, the early adaptors. These are the people that you innovated for in the first place. It wasn’t for the masses and you know that very well. It was for the people you identified first. The immediate community of friends, colleagues, neighbors, business partners, channel partners, associates etc. Go after them, first.
To do that you need a few things, one of them being a compelling story that shows clearly how your product or service can overcome their need, or in other words, put a smile on their face. Then, make an offer they can’t say no to with the understanding that they need your product or services.
Build on this approach and given enough time the rest of the market will follow as word spreads. Good luck.